
Age of wonders: planetfall dev diaries
Age of wonders: planetfall dev diaries

age of wonders: planetfall dev diaries

(in the previous console generation, you still had to support fuzzy CRT screens) Screen Size: With the advent of higher resolution (1080p) and especially bigger TVs, one of the last technical hurdles has fallen away.Time to give a full-blown strategy title a shot – it’s been ages since Civ: Revolution.

age of wonders: planetfall dev diaries

Recent tactical tbs games have proven they can be very relaxing to play from the couch, (or using a handheld) and some have been very successful. On the upside, Turn-based tactical games have actually turned out to be a good match for console and a controller.

age of wonders: planetfall dev diaries

Turn Based Tactics is proven Market on Console.Of course, TBS doesn’t involve the frantic map clicking like classic RTS Games require. Overcoming Misconceptions: I think the main reason why people think “Strategy doesn’t work on console (or controller)” is because they refer to the classic RTS ports of yore.I wonder how you guys tackled it as it seems like a rather hard thing to do right (for instance what if the "big boss" is a mechanical faction like Dvar, and all opponents use Arc or Synthesis loadouts).Before we started developing console versions, we examined the overall proposition: That said two things interest me: like it was mentioned above already - how does AI work with this mode (are we able to coordinate attacks for instance?), and obviously - balancing (is the handicap too big or too small etc, is it configurable etc). It can probably be argumented one way or another (subterfuge, lying game etc), but you actually made something of a game mode to cover this theme of Shakarn being the "invading forces" as naturally they can be made into the "big boss". When I was watching Tom's stream, on a theoretical level I was wondering about how the supposedly "invading" Shakarn play so well with other factions, you know, playing diplomats, making peace-treaties and such. An interesting concept that plays on the whole "Invasion" theme.

Age of wonders: planetfall dev diaries